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F-Body Road Racing and Autocross Forums _ General Discussion _ OK ... this damn mouse is pissing me off

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 3 2006, 04:55 PM

My wife, God bless her, brought home a free mouse from the pet store. Unfortunately, the $10,000 worth of habitrail, food $ shavings wasn't part of the deal. dry.gif

This was about a month ago and I had no idea. She had poor little Chester in her sewing room. I don't go in there because it just syphons the manhood right out of me ...

Last week, she breaks the news to me like this ... "Chester isn't in his cage."

"Who's Chester?"

I'll save you all the angst of the next 30 minutes of "discussion". Our conversation ended (for about 2 days) with me making a reference to her IQ and Chester's destiny involving the business end of bird shot.

Like most husbands, it was bullshit and had no intention of shooting poor little Chester. It would have been hell to fix the toe kick under the kitchen cabinets.

After Chester began leaving little momentos of his appreciation, the wife decided he had to go. Of course, now Chester is "that damn rodent" and no longer "cute little Chester". And guess who's problem Chester is now?

So, like any God fearing humanitarian, I decide I will live trap poor little Chester and set him free to roam the hills around Lake Granbury. Be free little Chester ... has anyone priced those damn live traps? Installing now base cabinets would be cheaper ...

Ah-Ha ... spring traps. Got him now ... what I can't figure is how I can break my damn fingers setting these things and Chester can feast off of peanut butter, soft cheese and bread (with the crust cut off) and NOT set off the trap? How is this possible?

Meanwhile, sweet little Chester is getting rather large, chowing down on this buffet we set out for him.

And Chester is a smart little shit.

I can be sitting in my chair, spot his ass jogging along the base cabinets, our eyes meet and I can get almost close enough to smell his little cheese and peanut butter breath and off he goes to a corner and disappears. I swear the hole Chester the mouse-cat goes through is as big as a Bic pen.

OK ... I walk upright ... I have thumbs ... I have the ability to reason ... I have yet a better mouse trap.

I place 3 traps under the hole, each with the trigger facing the cabinet. I have all the angles covered. I place 12 pack of colas along the base of the cabinets, in order to funnel Chester the Wonder Mouse to the awaiting traps.

and I wait ...

Finally, out he comes, into the middle of the floor, obviously waiting to be seated at "his" table. I again walk towards him, in an attempt to herd him into the tunnel of doom.

It works! He scampers behind the cardboard facade housing 24 Diet Cokes, straight for the death traps. I eagerly await the sweet sound of the trap's wrath swinging down and breaking this rodent's back. I know the excrutiating pain he will feel as the index finger on my right hand is still pulsing in pain.

That sound of triumph is nye ....

Silence .... WTF?

In desperation and disbelief, I pick up the cola box to see what happened. There they are, traps all lined up like little soldiers, rifles cocked and ready to fire ... but no Chester.

How can this be? It was the perfect plan.

About that time, the bottom of the cola box rips, cans fall to the floor with a couple of them now puking their contents all over the kitchen.

And chester falls out of the box as well, looking pissed because I just ruined his new condo. Yes he's pissed, but he ain't stupid, as I'm coming to realize.

He scampers away at quite a fast pace ... YES! ... towards the traps of death! He's going home! His fur is glistening from the sparkling soda bath and I just know I got him!

He glides over the traps and disappears into the tiny hole of the cabinet base.

My spirit dead, my honor destryed, my soul deflated, I reach down to check the traps and THWACK ...

Looking at the bright side, I no longer feel that pulsing pain in my right index finger. It has mysteriously moved to my left thumb.

Chester still lives ... wife laughing uncontrollabley ... I'm going to bed.

True story ....

Chester ==> nutkick.gif <=== Me

Posted by: Bud M Nov 3 2006, 05:23 AM

Wanna hear about the time I spent an entire Saturday fabricating the probverbial "better mousetrap"? No, I know you don't. But, it worked.
That GD mouse cost me way too much peace of mind. I feel your pain (mental, not physical, I'm clever enough to operate a mousetrap without it becoming a fingertrap.)
If there is a silver lining, at least she didn't come home with a cute new kitty cat that day...

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 3 2006, 05:37 AM

QUOTE (Bud M @ Nov 2 2006, 11:23 PM) *
If there is a silver lining, at least she didn't come home with a cute new kitty cat that day...

Bud, meet Cloe ...


Posted by: firehawkclone Nov 3 2006, 05:40 AM

Hi Mitch, I am Johns wife and I am a Vector Technician (rodent control) i see you are having a problem with Chester? Are you wanting to live trap him or kill him with a snap trap? As you observed, Chester can get through an opening of 1/4 " or larger. Little bastard! Now, are you using a mouse trap or a rat trap? A mouse will not set off a rat trap . You could use a sticky trap, but make sure it is a large one. Put some peanut butter in the middle of it, and only the size of a pea. Make sure you put this right up against the wall or preferably underneath the hole. Sticky traps are not the best but sometimes you can get good results. A snap trap is better. Are you putting the traps perpendicular to the wall ? Traps placed parallel are not as effective. You want to put the trap directly in his "run path" because a trap with food usually will not draw him to the trap. You could make that little a-hole work for the food by getting some cotton (not very much), putting some peanut butter in the middle of it and wrapping it around the trip plate so he has to dig through the cotton to get to the food and most likely his little claws will snag and set the trap off . If you don't care about smell put some de-con out. If you really don't care THEN get the shotgun out . This of course only as a last resort. Happy hunting!!!!!

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 3 2006, 05:55 AM

QUOTE (firehawkclone @ Nov 2 2006, 11:40 PM) *
Hi Mitch, I am Johns wife and I am a Vector Technician (rodent control) i see you are having a problem with Chester? Are you wanting to live trap him or kill him with a snap trap? As you observed, Chester can get through an opening of 1/4 " or larger. Little bastard! Now, are you using a mouse trap or a rat trap? A mouse will not set off a rat trap . You could use a sticky trap, but make sure it is a large one. Put some peanut butter in the middle of it, and only the size of a pea. Make sure you put this right up against the wall or preferably underneath the hole. Sticky traps are not the best but sometimes you can get good results. A snap trap is better. Are you putting the traps perpendicular to the wall ? Traps placed parallel are not as effective. You want to put the trap directly in his "run path" because a trap with food usually will not draw him to the trap. You could make that little a-hole work for the food by getting some cotton (not very much), putting some peanut butter in the middle of it and wrapping it around the trip plate so he has to dig through the cotton to get to the food and most likely his little claws will snag and set the trap off . If you don't care about smell put some de-con out. If you really don't care THEN get the shotgun out . This of course only as a last resort. Happy hunting!!!!!

Thanks, John's wife ... cool2.gif My goal now is to not only kill the sucker, but inflict as much pain and trauma as possible. Can a mouse be given a blood transfusion in order to keep them alive?

We definitely have mouse traps and they are set perpindicular to the run path. I put a small amount of PB inside the curl of the trip ... same way with the cheese and bread. Not my first rodeo with rodents.

Several years ago rat bastard got into my 98 TA and had a nice feast on charcoal leather seats. But that's another adventure altogether.

Chester's not your average mouse ...

Because of the new puppy, we have been reluctant to use the sticky traps, but they are on my shopping list tomorrow. The dog can stay in the kennel for a while.

Say yer prayers Chester ... enjoy the evening.

And the misadventures of vermin at Warren Motorsports complex doesn't end there. Ask Glenn to tell the story of a header install, a 6' snake and the subsequent remodel of the inside of my shop. I just drove up and saw 90% of the contents of my shop laying in the front yard ...

Posted by: SM95Z28 Nov 3 2006, 10:59 AM

We had a mouse problem in our house earlier this year and being the Humane Society and World Wildlife supporters that we are, we used the humane traps that Walmart sells. They were little plastic boxes with a swinging one-way door. The plastic is tinted and transparent. You put in the bait, they walk in, but can't walk out. Then you take them outside a good distance from your house and let them free. I caught 2-3 of them a night with these things (they cost about $1-2 each). I couldn't believe how well they worked. So, you might give one or two a try even if you aren't "animal friendly" wink.gif

Posted by: cccbock Nov 3 2006, 01:02 PM

QUOTE (mitchntx @ Nov 3 2006, 11:55 AM) *
My wife, God bless her, brought home a free mouse from the pet store. Unfortunately, the $10,000 worth of habitrail, food $ shavings wasn't part of the deal. dry.gif

Big huge snip

Chester still lives ... wife laughing uncontrollabley ... I'm going to bed.

True story ....

Chester ==> nutkick.gif <=== Me

Mitch, Im thinking your future as a story writer is WAY brighter than your future in pest control...


Posted by: Mericet Nov 3 2006, 03:38 PM

Reminder to self: buy and set traps in garage. The sticky ones seem to work well for me and as backup I use the electric shock type.

One of the joys of living in the country.

Posted by: CMC#5 Nov 3 2006, 03:51 PM

And here I thought the post was going to be about a PC pointing device...

I have successfully killed two mice in my day. One I kicked. Lucky circumstances. The other I shot with a squeeze bottle that had trichloroethane in it. Again, lucking circumstances, but much to my surprise resulted in instand death.

Get yourself a super soaker, fill it with trichlor, and hunt the bastard down!!!

Posted by: trackbird Nov 3 2006, 05:25 PM

QUOTE (mitchntx @ Nov 3 2006, 11:55 AM) *
True story ....

Chester ==> nutkick.gif <=== Me


Since you're a friend and all, I have a loaner available for such occasions.

And, seeing as how

Midnight ==> nutkick.gif nutkick.gif <== Mitch

He just might have a shot at that little furball...... burnout.gif

Posted by: 00 Trans Ram Nov 3 2006, 05:38 PM

You know what will solve your problems? CS/OC spray. That's the name for the spray that police officers use. It's a combination of pepper spray and mace.

I worked overnights at a hotel in New Orleans pre-openning. We had sewer rats running down the halls. One in particular became the bane of my existence. He would actually run towards you when he spotted you! Finally, I had enough. I packed my spray and a bucket and went hunting. I finally saw him and he started coming for me. Instead of turning tail as I had previously done, I stood my ground. The spray reaches about 10 feet, so I hit him as soon as he was in range.

About 4 feet from me, he stopped running, paused, then started jumping and spazming all over the hallway. I sprayed him another 5 seconds (btw, during my training with the spray, a 1 second shot was enough to bring me to my knees for about 10 minutes). Then, I put him in the pail and took him to the trash compactor. I made sure to give him periodic sprays every few minutes to ensure he didn't go anywhere.

Finally, just before throwing him away, I gave him a nice face-full of the stuff. It must've been the last straw. He stopped moving and closed his eyes.

Adios, Ratface!

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 3 2006, 05:45 PM

Chester or Midnite ... hmmm ... Will you ship?

We have a cat. But all she does is drink beer, watch soaps and smoke cigarettes ...

Posted by: Bud M Nov 3 2006, 05:47 PM

Bud, meet Cloe ...

Hey! A Dalmatian! Those are fun dogs. Lots of energy, hope she will have room to run.

Posted by: AndyJ Nov 3 2006, 06:12 PM

QUOTE (mitchntx @ Nov 3 2006, 11:45 AM) *
We have a cat. But all she does is drink beer, watch soaps and smoke cigarettes ...

Be thankful it is just your cat Mitch. They don't drink much before they pass out. I thought you were talking about one of my ex's there for a minute.... dang, that woman could drink beer. drink.gif

Posted by: trackbird Nov 3 2006, 06:37 PM

QUOTE (mitchntx @ Nov 3 2006, 12:45 PM) *
Chester or Midnite ... hmmm ... Will you ship?

Sure, but he's likely to chew his way out of the crate and kill the driver...... dunno.gif


Posted by: Nick Nov 3 2006, 07:20 PM


The story alone was worth not mentioning long ago that I knew the little critter was enjoying your hospitality.

Posted by: Jeff97FST/A Nov 3 2006, 08:05 PM

Great story....kill the varmit!

My wife called me the other day at work to tell me a story about her drive to work.

She loaded my daughter into the back seat of her Saab, backed out of the garage, and headed off to work/daycare. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted some movement and though it was a leaf or piece of paper. Then, she saw it again.

It was a mouse, in the back seat with my daughter. If the offspring had seen it, she probably would have thought it was cute!

Wife left the windows down part way during the day. She thinks that mouse has a new address.

The night before I had seen a mouse scurrying across our driveway and I tried to run it over....

While I'm a softie when it comes to animals, I went the poison bait route. All the bait that I put out has been eaten and I haven't seen any mousies since.....

[evil Vincent Price laugh]

Posted by: trackbird Nov 3 2006, 08:06 PM

QUOTE (Nick @ Nov 3 2006, 02:20 PM) *

The story alone was worth not mentioning long ago that I knew the little critter was enjoying your hospitality. do you feel about birdshot Nick? rant.gif


Posted by: Chester Da Mouse Nov 3 2006, 08:07 PM

All your computers are belong to us. tongue.gif

P.S. - put out a little extra peanut butter, I invited the guys over for a poker game tonight. beerchug.gif

Posted by: trackbird Nov 3 2006, 08:14 PM

QUOTE (Chester Da Mouse @ Nov 3 2006, 03:07 PM) *
All your computers are belong to us. tongue.gif

P.S. - put out a little extra peanut butter, iinvited the guys over for a poker game tonight. beerchug.gif

He's here......

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 3 2006, 08:15 PM

Damn ... he's everywhere!

Posted by: trackbird Nov 3 2006, 08:18 PM

Hell Mitch, he even lives in Grandbury.....

Oh wait, that's your place.....wink.gif

Posted by: CrashTestDummy Nov 3 2006, 08:24 PM

Put the peanut butter under the tripping mechanism. It is harder for them to get it off, and they usually have to bend around in odd angles to do it. >SNAP<!

Good luck.

Posted by: Chester Da Mouse Nov 3 2006, 08:26 PM

QUOTE (CrashTestDummy @ Nov 3 2006, 02:24 PM) *
Put the peanut butter under the tripping mechanism. It is harder for them to get it off, and they usually have to bend around in odd angles to do it. >SNAP<!

Good luck.

Hey dip-shit, i can see what your typing.

i'm as fast as fast can be, you'll never catch me! whip.gif

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 3 2006, 08:30 PM

Chester might be quick, be certainly cannot spell ... Grandbury ... sheesh!

Posted by: Chester Da Mouse Nov 3 2006, 08:31 PM

QUOTE (mitchntx @ Nov 3 2006, 02:30 PM) *
Chester might be quick, be certainly cannot spell ... Grandbury ... sheesh!

so you can spell. big whoop. how many FRRAX members does it take to catch a mouse?

Posted by: Midnight da Cat Nov 3 2006, 08:33 PM

QUOTE (Chester Da Mouse @ Nov 3 2006, 08:31 PM) *
QUOTE (mitchntx @ Nov 3 2006, 02:30 PM) *

Chester might be quick, be certainly cannot spell ... Grandbury ... sheesh!

so you can spell. big whoop. how many FRRAX members does it take to catch a mouse?

Just one......ME!



Posted by: mitchntx Nov 3 2006, 08:34 PM


We'll see about that tonight. Walk very softly there, buddy.

Damn ... the things we do for entertainment during the "off-season"

Posted by: trackbird Nov 3 2006, 08:34 PM

This place has gone to the dogs, er, cats, er, uh, mice today.....

Posted by: 00 Trans Ram Nov 3 2006, 09:21 PM

Is anyone working? I thought my e-mail was busted - 39 new e-mails just from FRRAX!

Ooops, gotta go - here comes my boss!

Posted by: rmackintosh Nov 3 2006, 09:26 PM

....hehe...I got a fricken racoon that EVERY FRICKEN MORNING peels my front lawn back like a sod cutter looking for grubs.....

banghead.gif rant.gif rant2.gif mad.gif

Posted by: trackbird Nov 3 2006, 09:28 PM

QUOTE (00 Trans Ram @ Nov 3 2006, 04:21 PM) *
Is anyone working? I thought my e-mail was busted - 39 new e-mails just from FRRAX!

Ooops, gotta go - here comes my boss!

I blew up my back on Monday and I've been home all week. So, I'm not working, but I can't speak for the rest of you.

QUOTE (rmackintosh @ Nov 3 2006, 04:26 PM) *
....hehe...I got a fricken racoon that EVERY FRICKEN MORNING peels my front lawn back like a sod cutter looking for grubs.....

banghead.gif rant.gif rant2.gif mad.gif


Call Mitch, he has some extra shells. tongue.gif

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 3 2006, 09:44 PM

Sticky traps are laid ... I also set out regular traps.

I dug a moat around the house and have it filled with kerosene. I plan on setting it ablaze shortly after dark.

I have 3 legions of swordsmen on hot stand-by, along with Clint Eastwood and his 6 shooter. I called Tom Cuise for an F14, but he was busy jumping up and down on a sofa in front of Oprah.

Obi-Wan was available, but the Alteron galaxy was just too far away.

So, it's just me and Chester ... heh, heh, heh ....

Posted by: Chester Da Mouse Nov 3 2006, 09:53 PM

dude, we are like out of soda and stuff. could ya set another trap?
or better yet, how about we deal you in?
don't worry, we have a 5 "momentos of his appreciation" limit. tongue.gif tongue.gif rotf.gif rotf.gif rotf.gif rotf.gif rotf.gif

drink.gif drink.gif

Posted by: trackbird Nov 3 2006, 09:55 PM

I'll be anxious to see which one of you is alive to post tomorrow......wink.gif

Posted by: roadracetransam Nov 3 2006, 10:57 PM

QUOTE (trackbird @ Nov 3 2006, 01:55 PM) *
I'll be anxious to see which one of you is alive to post tomorrow......wink.gif

I am laughing my head off.......

A word on the mouse bait... When we had a mouse, he first ate from the poison set out to him, than chewed trough the unopened box of poison sitting in the garage. Did it kill him? NO! Than he just left green momentoes of his existance.
What finally got him is 3 well placed shots out of the barell of my bibi gun.

Happy Hunting!

Posted by: rpoz-29 Nov 3 2006, 11:35 PM

You need "Clyde", our albino ferret. He doesn't back down from my 130 pound black lab.

Posted by: Chester Da Mouse Nov 3 2006, 11:56 PM

little do you know that your "Clyde" is on the payroll.
come on guys and gals, haven't you seen "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe"?

ooohhhhh man, that's better.
i just scratched my but on the walking peanut butter dispenser's tooth brush.

Posted by: Midnight da Cat Nov 4 2006, 12:25 AM

QUOTE (Chester Da Mouse @ Nov 3 2006, 11:56 PM) *
ooohhhhh man, that's better.
i just scratched my but on the walking peanut butter dispenser's tooth brush.

THAT'S IT...... someone had better be sending me a bus ticket to Texas.....

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 4 2006, 12:59 AM

QUOTE (Midnight da Cat @ Nov 3 2006, 06:25 PM) *
QUOTE (Chester Da Mouse @ Nov 3 2006, 11:56 PM) *

ooohhhhh man, that's better.
i just scratched my but on the walking peanut butter dispenser's tooth brush.

THAT'S IT...... someone had better be sending me a bus ticket to Texas.....

I got yer ticket ...

shhhh ... be very, very quiet ...

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 4 2006, 02:42 AM

Chester watch update ...

Still no sign of him. Being patient and optimistic.

Posted by: tom97ss Nov 4 2006, 05:16 AM


Posted by: mitchntx Nov 4 2006, 01:42 PM


1 sticky trap was laying on top of the other. However, there was a little fur on the trap which was on top.

While I would have liked to have gotten him in one piece, I can live with getting Chester small pieces at a time.

Posted by: trackbird Nov 4 2006, 02:06 PM

QUOTE (mitchntx @ Nov 4 2006, 08:42 AM) *
While I would have liked to have gotten him in one piece, I can live with getting Chester small pieces at a time.

Reminds me of an old Johnny Cash song.

I got it one piece at a time......


Posted by: Mericet Nov 4 2006, 02:16 PM

QUOTE (mitchntx @ Nov 4 2006, 08:42 AM) *

1 sticky trap was laying on top of the other. However, there was a little fur on the trap which was on top.

While I would have liked to have gotten him in one piece, I can live with getting Chester small pieces at a time.

Get the larger rat sticky pads. He has to walk across more area to get to the bait.

Wonder how Chester is feeling this morning?

Posted by: trackbird Nov 4 2006, 02:37 PM

QUOTE (Mericet @ Nov 4 2006, 09:16 AM) *
Wonder how Chester is feeling this morning?

I was going to say "slightly colder in spots" (where the hair is missing), but I then realized that the little rodent is in Texas....where it's not 20 degrees in the mornings..... nutkick.gif

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 4 2006, 04:15 PM

I had to drag out my big coat this week. It was in the upper 30s one morning.

Posted by: nape Nov 4 2006, 04:56 PM

QUOTE (mitchntx @ Nov 4 2006, 10:15 AM) *
I had to drag out my big coat this week. It was in the upper 30s one morning.

*grumble* Time to move to Texas, we had a high of 39 yesterday, but was colder with the wind chill. I had 5 layers (t-shirt, long sleeve t-shirt, flannel, hoodie, FR shirt) on yesterday and was comfortable heat wise, although I was tied off at the top of a 60' shaft so I wasn't completely comfortable. rotf.gif

Get that mouse!

Posted by: Mericet Nov 5 2006, 01:43 PM

Hey Chester! I took care of a couple of your country cousins up here in Ohio last night. nutkick.gif
Two of them on one sticky trap! whip.gif

Posted by: v7guy Nov 5 2006, 01:47 PM

hey mitch, aren't you pretty good with a .22, didn't you have a nice one?

If kevin hasn't gotten rid of all of his again maybe he could ship one to you.......I'm sure that overkill scope would let you focus in on his beady little eye, wouldn't even make a big hole in the base board.

Then again there always in the mace route, that's a really good idea.

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 5 2006, 02:26 PM

A moment of silence while we pay respects to Chester da Mouse ... NOT!


After all the traps we had laid, the corridors of doom built and the sleepless nights anticipating a "THWACK" ... we got him!

But not by any of those methods ... huh.gif

The wife noticed him scurrying along the wall and pinned him behind an ornamental tray. She came and got me and we began trying to figure out how to snare him. All of a sudden his tail peeked out from under the tray and THWACK! I snagged it.

me ===> nutkick.gif <=== Chester

We now have him in a DeMonte glass jar trying to figure what to do next. I'm savoring the moment.

Maybe I should contact DelMonte and say we have a mouse in one of their jars ... race car needs new tires.

I'm certainly glad this little chapter of life in Granbury has ended. You folks in the big city don't have a clue what exciting night life really is.


Kevin ... what is your mailing address. I have a present for Midnight!

Posted by: v7guy Nov 5 2006, 02:30 PM


Posted by: tom97ss Nov 5 2006, 06:56 PM

I'd mount his head

Posted by: trackbird Nov 5 2006, 07:19 PM

QUOTE (tom97ss @ Nov 5 2006, 01:56 PM) *
I'd mount his head

A "mouse-a-lope"?

That's funny.....

I guess Midnight can catch a return ride now and save the rest of the trip.

See Mitch, we'll make a cat out of you yet..... ph34r.gif

Posted by: robz71lm7 Nov 5 2006, 07:51 PM

Perhaps Midnight will have a newfound respect for Mitch now?

Posted by: trackbird Nov 5 2006, 08:29 PM

QUOTE (robz71lm7 @ Nov 5 2006, 02:51 PM) *
Perhaps Midnight will have a newfound respect for Mitch now?

He seems to think that Mitch tastes like chicken...... huh.gif

Midnight says: Those Texas boys ain't so tough after all....... rotf.gif

Posted by: Eugenio_SS Nov 12 2006, 12:17 AM

had a great laugh reading this story !
You could've fed him to the rattle snakes ... aren't there plenty in TX ?

Posted by: mitchntx Nov 12 2006, 02:19 AM

Sure ... next to the cattle and armadillos ...

Posted by: GlennCMC70 Oct 10 2009, 02:48 AM

anyone ever figure out who was posting as "Chester"?

Posted by: trackbird Oct 10 2009, 04:40 AM

QUOTE (GlennCMC70 @ Oct 9 2009, 10:48 PM) *
anyone ever figure out who was posting as "Chester"?

That one is too easy, but I have admin tools...

Chester actually posted from 4 IP addresses. 1 of them twice (Oct 18th), 2 of them once (Oct 16th and another on Oct 9th) and 1 of them six times on Nov 3rd. Only one of those IP's isn't specific to Chester, it was also used by another member. That member has used 906 IP addresses to post here. One of those 906 IP addresses matches one that Chester used and that member used it two times to post on Oct 8th. Of course I could have just e-mailed him at his e-mail address.

Nope, couldn't tell ya who it might have been...


Posted by: mitchntx Oct 10 2009, 06:27 PM

It was brought to my attention that I never finished the story and explained what became of the actual Chester da Mouse.

My youngest daughter had a friend who owned a Boa ....

"Well, I'd certainly say she had marvelous judgment, Albert, if not particularly good taste."
Blood - A Boy and His Dog, 1975

Posted by: rpoz-29 Oct 11 2009, 03:56 AM

Damn. I loved that mouse.

Posted by: MikeP-99Z Oct 11 2009, 06:17 AM

So did the boa.

Posted by: mitchntx Oct 11 2009, 07:58 AM

Circle of life ... glad I could do my part.

Posted by: Racing Geek Nov 4 2009, 07:55 AM

Good story! I once ran over a mouse with the lawn mower. That was a lot of blood for such a small animal... All that was left was some tiny hairy red chunks.

Posted by: cccbock Nov 4 2009, 12:11 PM

QUOTE (Racing Geek @ Nov 4 2009, 02:55 AM) *
Good story! I once ran over a mouse with the lawn mower. That was a lot of blood for such a small animal... All that was left was some tiny hairy red chunks.

I don't recall the chester story, but I do know the boa would be welcome in my garage for a week or two.

Posted by: trackbird Dec 4 2013, 08:53 PM

I was searching for another old thread here and found this one. Ahh....great times. I had to bump it back up just for those who missed all the fun.

Man are we getting old....

Posted by: 00 Trans Ram Dec 4 2013, 09:00 PM

RIP - Chester.

Posted by: Steve91T Dec 4 2013, 09:27 PM

That was hilarious!

Posted by: GlennCMC70 Dec 4 2013, 09:38 PM

I guess I should come clean. I was the one who created the "Chester" user ID and posted all those comments. I had a blast posting it and almost pissed my pants doing it.
Good times.

Posted by: 00 Trans Ram Dec 4 2013, 09:43 PM

You bahstad! It wasn't the mouse?!! TAR AND FEATHER HIM!!!!!!

What the heck has been going on? Haven't been here much since selling my racecar. Did some time kart racing, until I figured out that I was at better-than-even odds of getting myself permanently maimed (5 races, 4 podiums, 2-3rd places, 1-2nd place, 1-1st place; 4 wrecks bad enough to end my race, one of which was bad enough to crack my kart chassis in 2 places and 1 set of broken ribs).

Now I've just got a 500hp G8 that I drive daily. About to start as an instructor at the New Orleans Motorsports Park on their road course, though.

Posted by: trackbird Dec 5 2013, 12:40 PM

QUOTE (Steve91T @ Dec 4 2013, 04:27 PM) *
That was hilarious!

A lot of the newer members have missed out on all the old gags around here. We seem to be in an "old and mellow" phase these days. There's a lot of classic stuff in the archives around here...

QUOTE (00 Trans Ram @ Dec 4 2013, 04:43 PM) *
You bahstad! It wasn't the mouse?!! TAR AND FEATHER HIM!!!!!!

What the heck has been going on? Haven't been here much since selling my racecar. Did some time kart racing, until I figured out that I was at better-than-even odds of getting myself permanently maimed (5 races, 4 podiums, 2-3rd places, 1-2nd place, 1-1st place; 4 wrecks bad enough to end my race, one of which was bad enough to crack my kart chassis in 2 places and 1 set of broken ribs).

Now I've just got a 500hp G8 that I drive daily. About to start as an instructor at the New Orleans Motorsports Park on their road course, though.

Just the usual (but possibly less of it). That G8 sounds like fun. What's been done to it?

Posted by: 00 Trans Ram Dec 5 2013, 02:50 PM

QUOTE (00 Trans Ram @ Dec 4 2013, 04:43 PM) *
You bahstad! It wasn't the mouse?!! TAR AND FEATHER HIM!!!!!!

What the heck has been going on? Haven't been here much since selling my racecar. Did some time kart racing, until I figured out that I was at better-than-even odds of getting myself permanently maimed (5 races, 4 podiums, 2-3rd places, 1-2nd place, 1-1st place; 4 wrecks bad enough to end my race, one of which was bad enough to crack my kart chassis in 2 places and 1 set of broken ribs).

Now I've just got a 500hp G8 that I drive daily. About to start as an instructor at the New Orleans Motorsports Park on their road course, though.

Just the usual (but possibly less of it). That G8 sounds like fun. What's been done to it?

Well, it has 134k miles on it. 2008 model. Up until just recently, all I did was upgrade the brakes to 4-piston Brembos, put a CAI on it, wider tires (255/285, Potenza S04s, which are GREAT) and get a mediocre tune. Oh, and put a good sound system in it (replaced all stock stuff except radio, made custom sub box and amp mount, etc.).

But, just a few weeks ago, after I decided that I was going to keep the car (nothing I wanted, used or new, that costs less than $40k), I put in a new cam, valve springs, lifters, LT headers, exhaust, tune, etc. Still haven't gotten the vendor (Texas Speed and Performance) to get the tune quite right, so I may end up going to Geoff at EPS for a dyno tune (mail-order tune was $250, dyno tune is $580). But, once it's all finished, it should make just a hair over 500hp at the crank, or 410-415 at the wheels.

Funny story. When the car was brand new (still had temp plates and less than 100 miles), I took it to the track. Friend of mine has a E46M3 racecar (GTS3 class, no more than 11:1 power-to-weight ratio) and was getting some lap time in. I followed him around the track, trying to keep up. I was able to barely keep up with him, running my car at about 102%. Ended up going off track through Turn 1 at No Problem Raceway (Grand Bayou Raceway, now) at around 135mph trying to catch him. No damage to the car, so I simply re-entered the track after Turn 3 and kept racing. Frankly, I'm amazed at how well the car handles for being 4000+ lbs. I only stopped when I heard a grinding noise coming from the rear of the car. Turns out I'd heated up the rear fender liners so bad that they melted and were rubbing on the tires. And, when I stopped, the stock brake pads caught fire. Put them out in a few seconds with a fire extinguisher.

This car has been good to me.

Posted by: ReEntryRacer Dec 5 2013, 03:42 PM

QUOTE (00 Trans Ram @ Dec 5 2013, 06:50 AM) *
QUOTE (00 Trans Ram @ Dec 4 2013, 04:43 PM) *
You bahstad! It wasn't the mouse?!! TAR AND FEATHER HIM!!!!!!

What the heck has been going on? Haven't been here much since selling my racecar. Did some time kart racing, until I figured out that I was at better-than-even odds of getting myself permanently maimed (5 races, 4 podiums, 2-3rd places, 1-2nd place, 1-1st place; 4 wrecks bad enough to end my race, one of which was bad enough to crack my kart chassis in 2 places and 1 set of broken ribs).

Now I've just got a 500hp G8 that I drive daily. About to start as an instructor at the New Orleans Motorsports Park on their road course, though.

Just the usual (but possibly less of it). That G8 sounds like fun. What's been done to it?

Well, it has 134k miles on it. 2008 model. Up until just recently, all I did was upgrade the brakes to 4-piston Brembos, put a CAI on it, wider tires (255/285, Potenza S04s, which are GREAT) and get a mediocre tune. Oh, and put a good sound system in it (replaced all stock stuff except radio, made custom sub box and amp mount, etc.).

But, just a few weeks ago, after I decided that I was going to keep the car (nothing I wanted, used or new, that costs less than $40k), I put in a new cam, valve springs, lifters, LT headers, exhaust, tune, etc. Still haven't gotten the vendor (Texas Speed and Performance) to get the tune quite right, so I may end up going to Geoff at EPS for a dyno tune (mail-order tune was $250, dyno tune is $580). But, once it's all finished, it should make just a hair over 500hp at the crank, or 410-415 at the wheels.

Funny story. When the car was brand new (still had temp plates and less than 100 miles), I took it to the track. Friend of mine has a E46M3 racecar (GTS3 class, no more than 11:1 power-to-weight ratio) and was getting some lap time in. I followed him around the track, trying to keep up. I was able to barely keep up with him, running my car at about 102%. Ended up going off track through Turn 1 at No Problem Raceway (Grand Bayou Raceway, now) at around 135mph trying to catch him. No damage to the car, so I simply re-entered the track after Turn 3 and kept racing. Frankly, I'm amazed at how well the car handles for being 4000+ lbs. I only stopped when I heard a grinding noise coming from the rear of the car. Turns out I'd heated up the rear fender liners so bad that they melted and were rubbing on the tires. And, when I stopped, the stock brake pads caught fire. Put them out in a few seconds with a fire extinguisher.

This car has been good to me.

Pretty good recommendation for the new Chevy SS... cool2.gif

Posted by: Steve91T Dec 5 2013, 04:17 PM

QUOTE (ReEntryRacer @ Dec 5 2013, 10:42 AM) *
QUOTE (00 Trans Ram @ Dec 5 2013, 06:50 AM) *
QUOTE (00 Trans Ram @ Dec 4 2013, 04:43 PM) *
You bahstad! It wasn't the mouse?!! TAR AND FEATHER HIM!!!!!!

What the heck has been going on? Haven't been here much since selling my racecar. Did some time kart racing, until I figured out that I was at better-than-even odds of getting myself permanently maimed (5 races, 4 podiums, 2-3rd places, 1-2nd place, 1-1st place; 4 wrecks bad enough to end my race, one of which was bad enough to crack my kart chassis in 2 places and 1 set of broken ribs).

Now I've just got a 500hp G8 that I drive daily. About to start as an instructor at the New Orleans Motorsports Park on their road course, though.

Just the usual (but possibly less of it). That G8 sounds like fun. What's been done to it?

Well, it has 134k miles on it. 2008 model. Up until just recently, all I did was upgrade the brakes to 4-piston Brembos, put a CAI on it, wider tires (255/285, Potenza S04s, which are GREAT) and get a mediocre tune. Oh, and put a good sound system in it (replaced all stock stuff except radio, made custom sub box and amp mount, etc.).

But, just a few weeks ago, after I decided that I was going to keep the car (nothing I wanted, used or new, that costs less than $40k), I put in a new cam, valve springs, lifters, LT headers, exhaust, tune, etc. Still haven't gotten the vendor (Texas Speed and Performance) to get the tune quite right, so I may end up going to Geoff at EPS for a dyno tune (mail-order tune was $250, dyno tune is $580). But, once it's all finished, it should make just a hair over 500hp at the crank, or 410-415 at the wheels.

Funny story. When the car was brand new (still had temp plates and less than 100 miles), I took it to the track. Friend of mine has a E46M3 racecar (GTS3 class, no more than 11:1 power-to-weight ratio) and was getting some lap time in. I followed him around the track, trying to keep up. I was able to barely keep up with him, running my car at about 102%. Ended up going off track through Turn 1 at No Problem Raceway (Grand Bayou Raceway, now) at around 135mph trying to catch him. No damage to the car, so I simply re-entered the track after Turn 3 and kept racing. Frankly, I'm amazed at how well the car handles for being 4000+ lbs. I only stopped when I heard a grinding noise coming from the rear of the car. Turns out I'd heated up the rear fender liners so bad that they melted and were rubbing on the tires. And, when I stopped, the stock brake pads caught fire. Put them out in a few seconds with a fire extinguisher.

This car has been good to me.

Pretty good recommendation for the new Chevy SS... cool2.gif

Auto only sad.gif

Posted by: 00 Trans Ram Dec 5 2013, 04:40 PM

The main problem with the Chevy SS is price. Yeah, it's going to have the 6.2L, I think. Which should mean 430hp. And, the interior is fairly nice. But, it's got a pricetag of $45k+. Compared to an as-new price of the G8 in 2009 of less than $30k. Or, get a slightly used G8GT (<40k miles) with mods to make similar power (bolt-ons and tune) for under $20k.

I'm not a huge fan of the auto, but it's not bad. Once you tune it, or even without a tune, the manual shift mode works very well. Stays in the gear you put it in, makes downshifts and upshifts quickly, revmatches, etc. Shift times aren't exactly like a Ferrari 458 (drove one a few months ago - holy Christ!), but they are adequate for anything up to and including a track day.

BTW, the car is 200% easier to work on than a 4th-gen F-body. I had everything out of the car (heads, transmission, headers, intake, cam, radiator, fuel rails, etc.) and only had the car on jackstands in the front. Only thing left in the car was the engine block, crank, connecting rods and pistons. Entire front suspension, cradle, steering, etc. all got to stay where they were.

Posted by: Steve91T Dec 5 2013, 06:59 PM

I needed something fun to drive with 4 doors. The G8 sounded like a great car, but I can't stand autos. It just sucks the fun out of driving. My wife has a G37 and that is by far the best auto I've ever driven. 7 gears, match rev, stays where you out it. You'll be cruising down the road in 7th, hit the brakes and go into a turn. The think will drop to a lower gear and stay there until the turn is completed, even if you're off the gas. Pretty damn cool. But I still prefer a stick.

I went with an. E36 M3 4 door. Talk about cheap and fun to drive.

I don't understand why a T56 G8 swap is so difficult. I guess headache is all in the electronics. If it were possible, that would make the G8 much more attractive.

Posted by: 00 Trans Ram Dec 5 2013, 08:05 PM

QUOTE (Steve91T @ Dec 5 2013, 12:59 PM) *
I needed something fun to drive with 4 doors. The G8 sounded like a great car, but I can't stand autos. It just sucks the fun out of driving. My wife has a G37 and that is by far the best auto I've ever driven. 7 gears, match rev, stays where you out it. You'll be cruising down the road in 7th, hit the brakes and go into a turn. The think will drop to a lower gear and stay there until the turn is completed, even if you're off the gas. Pretty damn cool. But I still prefer a stick.

I went with an. E36 M3 4 door. Talk about cheap and fun to drive.

I don't understand why a T56 G8 swap is so difficult. I guess headache is all in the electronics. If it were possible, that would make the G8 much more attractive.

You can do a swap with the manual out of a GXP. Supposedly, after you sell all the auto parts, it's about a $1000 swap.

The consensus is that it's usually easier and cheaper to sell the GT and buy a manual GXP, though.

Posted by: Steve91T Dec 5 2013, 09:42 PM

QUOTE (00 Trans Ram @ Dec 5 2013, 03:05 PM) *
QUOTE (Steve91T @ Dec 5 2013, 12:59 PM) *
I needed something fun to drive with 4 doors. The G8 sounded like a great car, but I can't stand autos. It just sucks the fun out of driving. My wife has a G37 and that is by far the best auto I've ever driven. 7 gears, match rev, stays where you out it. You'll be cruising down the road in 7th, hit the brakes and go into a turn. The think will drop to a lower gear and stay there until the turn is completed, even if you're off the gas. Pretty damn cool. But I still prefer a stick.

I went with an. E36 M3 4 door. Talk about cheap and fun to drive.

I don't understand why a T56 G8 swap is so difficult. I guess headache is all in the electronics. If it were possible, that would make the G8 much more attractive.

You can do a swap with the manual out of a GXP. Supposedly, after you sell all the auto parts, it's about a $1000 swap.

The consensus is that it's usually easier and cheaper to sell the GT and buy a manual GXP, though.

Ehh, that's what everyone says about everything. But where's the fun in that? smile.gif GXP's are still pretty pricey. Plus yours is already built.

Posted by: 00 Trans Ram Dec 5 2013, 09:55 PM

Yeah, I do lots of stop-n-go commuting. An auto is nice in the morning when I'm on the phone with work and not really able to have fun.

But, the evenings are less trafficky. And, I'm rarely on the phone. So, I slap it into manual mode and have fun.

To give you an idea of the kind of fun I have, I'm averaging 11.2mpg over the past 2 years. Some of that is certainly from sitting at redlights going 0mph. But, a good deal is also keeping it above 2500rpm all the way home.

Posted by: Ojustracing Dec 6 2013, 02:56 AM

QUOTE (00 Trans Ram @ Dec 5 2013, 09:50 AM) *
QUOTE (00 Trans Ram @ Dec 4 2013, 04:43 PM) *
You bahstad! It wasn't the mouse?!! TAR AND FEATHER HIM!!!!!!

What the heck has been going on? Haven't been here much since selling my racecar. Did some time kart racing, until I figured out that I was at better-than-even odds of getting myself permanently maimed (5 races, 4 podiums, 2-3rd places, 1-2nd place, 1-1st place; 4 wrecks bad enough to end my race, one of which was bad enough to crack my kart chassis in 2 places and 1 set of broken ribs).

Now I've just got a 500hp G8 that I drive daily. About to start as an instructor at the New Orleans Motorsports Park on their road course, though.

Just the usual (but possibly less of it). That G8 sounds like fun. What's been done to it?

Well, it has 134k miles on it. 2008 model. Up until just recently, all I did was upgrade the brakes to 4-piston Brembos, put a CAI on it, wider tires (255/285, Potenza S04s, which are GREAT) and get a mediocre tune. Oh, and put a good sound system in it (replaced all stock stuff except radio, made custom sub box and amp mount, etc.).

But, just a few weeks ago, after I decided that I was going to keep the car (nothing I wanted, used or new, that costs less than $40k), I put in a new cam, valve springs, lifters, LT headers, exhaust, tune, etc. Still haven't gotten the vendor (Texas Speed and Performance) to get the tune quite right, so I may end up going to Geoff at EPS for a dyno tune (mail-order tune was $250, dyno tune is $580). But, once it's all finished, it should make just a hair over 500hp at the crank, or 410-415 at the wheels.

Funny story. When the car was brand new (still had temp plates and less than 100 miles), I took it to the track. Friend of mine has a E46M3 racecar (GTS3 class, no more than 11:1 power-to-weight ratio) and was getting some lap time in. I followed him around the track, trying to keep up. I was able to barely keep up with him, running my car at about 102%. Ended up going off track through Turn 1 at No Problem Raceway (Grand Bayou Raceway, now) at around 135mph trying to catch him. No damage to the car, so I simply re-entered the track after Turn 3 and kept racing. Frankly, I'm amazed at how well the car handles for being 4000+ lbs. I only stopped when I heard a grinding noise coming from the rear of the car. Turns out I'd heated up the rear fender liners so bad that they melted and were rubbing on the tires. And, when I stopped, the stock brake pads caught fire. Put them out in a few seconds with a fire extinguisher.

This car has been good to me.

I've been there once and listened to your advise!!! drink.gif Its a scary way to do when I had ZERO time on the track. Good luck on the new car.


Posted by: trackbird Jul 8 2016, 11:42 AM

Godspeed Chester!

I stumbled across this one while looking for a thread on radiators that should be here. I figured I should bump it for the newer members who may have missed it when it happened.

Posted by: Shortcutsleeping Jul 11 2016, 06:40 PM

Mitch is quite the master storyteller!

Poor ole' Chester... rolleyes.gif

cars and such...

Posted by: trackbird Jul 11 2016, 06:53 PM

QUOTE (Shortcutsleeping @ Jul 11 2016, 02:40 PM) *
Mitch is quite the master storyteller!

Poor ole' Chester... rolleyes.gif

cars and such...

You should hear his racing tales..... drink.gif

Posted by: mitchntx Aug 10 2016, 10:58 PM

Easy now ...

I am better prepared today to deal with the Chesters of the world.

Posted by: CrashTestDummy Aug 11 2016, 02:45 AM

Especially since Chester is a zombiemouse. 2thumbs.gif

But you have to also watch out for Ben, and all his friends.

Posted by: trackbird Aug 11 2016, 10:53 AM

QUOTE (mitchntx @ Aug 10 2016, 06:58 PM) *
Easy now ...

I am better prepared today to deal with the Chesters of the world.

We have a couple of those at the shop and I was considering one for a few moments. How do you like it?

Also, a bit of a warning. Don't put a vertical grip on the pump handle. I saw the photos from a guy who was hammering rounds down range at high speed when the vertical grip handle broke off of the pump handle. He removed a good portion of his hand when it wound up in front of the barrel as he pulled the trigger.

Posted by: mitchntx Aug 14 2016, 09:48 PM

I like it fine. Its more of a novelty item than practical. But so is most of my "stuff".

The biggest complaint is a FTE/FTF ... on mine, you can't pussy-foot around.
You have to slam it pretty hard for to operate reliability.

I installed an AFG ... backwards ... on the lower rail to prevent a slippage of my hand to even creep in front of the muzzle.

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