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F-Body Road Racing and Autocross Forums _ General Discussion _ Trans Am hits my girlfriend...

Posted by: SuperCricket Sep 16 2005, 04:33 PM

Yesterday my girlfriend Holly was on her way home when a car at 377 and 114 (in Texas) came across the median at a high rate of speed and ran into her. The next thing she remembered was laying on the grass with people around her. They care flighted her to Harris Methodist hospital in Fort Worth. When I got there I saw them cleaning up a 4 inch gash in her forehead, and her skin was peeled back all the way so you could see her skull. I'll never forget that sight, it screwed me up.

Aside from that, her pelvis is fractured in 2 or 3 places, her liver and spleen are bleeding, so she wont be moving around too much for a while. She is going to heal, and they said they wont have to do surgery on her liver and spleen as long as the bleeding subsides.

Got the real report from the police, a lady in an LS1 powered Trans Am had passed out at the wheel a year ago and caused a bad wreck, and they assume the same thing happened again. She was the only one who died as far as anyone knows in the wreck.

My girl is banged up pretty bad. She was in her black Mustang, and people who saw it said her drivers side door wasn't even on the car any more. She's only 105 pounds soaking wet on the scale, so she didn't have much padding to protect her.

Keep the ones you love close to you, and try not to fight with them too much. They probably give you hell and get on your nerves half the time, but if suddenly they were gone it might change the way you feel. If you believe in God and that sort of thing, keep her in your prayers.

Anyway, back to the hospital. Just wanted to check in. I haven't been around lately, but finally have my racecar close to the way I want it, so I'll be hitting the tracks and getting back into the groove again.


Posted by: firehawkclone Sep 16 2005, 04:52 PM

Glad to hear she is going to be ok, I wish her a speedy recovery.

My heart is heavy right now too, my Grampa past away yesterday! But I am happy, becuase he is at ease now!

I almost got hurt last sat when the tread came off a tire on a friends car, I have been holding my wife just a little closer now!

Posted by: rmackintosh Sep 16 2005, 05:05 PM

I am sorry to hear of the sounds of it however, she WAS EXTREMELY LUCKY! It may not seem that way now, but keep her spirits up as she will take some time....

Best of luck!

Posted by: rmackintosh Sep 16 2005, 05:11 PM

QUOTE (firehawkclone @ Sep 16 2005, 10:52)
Glad to hear she is going to be ok, I wish her a speedy recovery.

My heart is heavy right now too, my Grampa past away yesterday! But I am happy, becuase he is at ease now!

I almost got hurt last sat when the tread came off a tire on a friends car, I have been holding my wife just a little closer now!

My condolences for you and your family as well John.....hope your family is as well as can be.

Posted by: trackbird Sep 16 2005, 05:48 PM

Kyle, I'm glad to hear that she's ok. That sounds like a nasty hit and it's great to hear that she's going to recover. It does put the important things in perspective, doesn't it...

John, I understand where you are with your grandfather. I have some elderly grand parents and they seem to be suffereing (one of mine is in rather poor health) while they are here, but it's painful to have them go. I wish you and your family the best during this difficult time together.

Posted by: pknowles Sep 16 2005, 05:54 PM

Sorry to hear about it Kyle. My wife is still recovering from her accedent this year on 5/30/05. She was struck from behind while stopped at a light. Three months latter she was finally able to go back to work, but it was a tough three months having to help her do some of the most simple tasks. Anyway be thankful that she is alive, most everything else can be fixed with time.

Posted by: CMC #37 Sep 16 2005, 05:59 PM

You just never know in this life....say what you mean and mean what you say while you have the chance. Be SURE to have your wishes down on paper lest someone else be making end of life decisions for you. My best to all!

Posted by: AllZWay Sep 16 2005, 06:28 PM

Kyle... sorry to hear that. Hope she makes a speedy and full recovery.

Posted by: redbird1 Sep 16 2005, 09:55 PM

Glad to hear that all will be well. God Bless.


Posted by: John_D. Sep 16 2005, 10:21 PM

Sorry to hear about the accident. That's a scary thing to have happen.

Posted by: slowTA Sep 17 2005, 12:56 AM

Any hit to a door like that is painful to look at, I send all of my sympathy. It's amazing how some people are still allowed to drive.

Posted by: pimpmaro Sep 17 2005, 03:36 AM

Incompetent drivers... and dangerous drivers... piss me off to no end. I hope your girlfriend has a speedy and full recovery. I don't to see my girlfriend day to day, so every time she's here I hold her as close as I can. This just brings it to the forefront that you never know what day will be your last.

Posted by: #07 Sep 17 2005, 04:09 AM

Thats terrible. I am glad she is alright also. Best wishes to the 2 of ya. Take care of her smile.gif

John that stinks, sorry guy best wishes to you and family also.

Posted by: Eugenio_SS Sep 19 2005, 04:59 AM

sorry to hear the bad news, but at least, she alive and in good hands with a good recovery in the way.
hope the following words don't get me banned... but.
Kyle, screw the track for a little and spend some time with her while she recovers.
After all, she pretty much among the most important ppl in your life.
Glad to hear she'll be fine... I don't know what I'd do without my wife... or if something like that was to happen.
Anyway, my condolences to John and his family for their loss as well.

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