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F-Body Road Racing and Autocross Forums > Community > General Discussion
Vary sad to find out belatedly that member NOT A TA has passed away.

John Paige Obituary
QUOTE (GCrites80s @ Sep 11 2023, 09:02 PM) *
Vary sad to find out belatedly that member NOT A TA has passed away.

John Paige Obituary

Man that's sad, I never met him but read so many of his posts on here and GRM that felt like I at least "track knew" him. Never know how long we have, RIP
Dam! Younger than I am!! I always wondered when he'd update his thread on aero for a second Gen F-body. Godspeed, John!!
Crazy Canuck
Sad to hear the news
Still remember his posts and car
RIP John
I remember when he joined. That was a really nice car and he seemed like a car guys car guy. We've lost a lot more members recently than I'd have ever expected. And they have all been great people, some have been personal friends of mine that I've made through this board and others seem like family. This board has always attracted the most amazing people and I hate losing them.

Godspeed Sir.
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